A big problem with Medicare, has been that treatment had to be able to improve your condition. For those whose treatment had reached a plateau, Medicare would cut off treatment. If you have Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Traumatic Head Injuries, or a host of other chronic conditions, treatment was limited because your condition could not be cured. The kinds of treatment at issue in this lawsuit center on at-home care provided for permanent or degenerative conditions. But for those who advocate for patients with particular diseases or conditions such as having treatment cut off for lack of improvement was very frustrating.
At our firm we often represent people who have the unfortunate circumstance of being left with a permanently disabling condition such as a traumatic brain injury. For those clients who are Medicare beneficiaries, this settlement represents hope for the future.
Read this new article from the New York Times for more information: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/27/your-money/health-insurance/medicare-expected-to-pay-more-costs-of-chronic-conditions.html?ref=your-money-email&nl=your-money&emc=edit_my_20121029&_r=0