Here For You During Your Worst Days
Personal injury cases never mark a good time in a person’s life, which is why work hard to provide our clients with all the support they need during their case. We aren’t a large, multipractice firm with clients facing a variety of legal issues: we are a focused and experienced firm that chooses to direct all of our attention to personal injury law. This means that we know the ins and outs of this area of the law better than anyone else.
When choosing to direct our focus on personal injury, we were thinking about how we could best help the people of our community. We saw victims being taken advantage of by their own insurance companies, family members of lost loved ones taking the stand alone to ask for the compensation they deserved, and countless people going bankrupt from medical bills they never should have been responsible for. Willis & Toews, PLLC, is here to put an end to this.
Getting You Out of the Maze
Our motto here at Willis & Toews is “Navigating the maze to fair compensation,” and we live by it. We take pride in our extensive knowledge of the Washington and Oregon states’ personal injury laws as well as the common ways insurance companies avoid providing the compensation they owe. If you are a driver who was injured in a car or truck accident, or a cyclist who was hurt in a traffic accident, it can be tempting to abandon the labyrinth of laws relating to fault and insurance liabilities and instead take the insurance company’s first offer. We understand this temptation, but urge you to reconsider. Get the help you need to get the compensation you deserve.
With an office in Walla Walla, WA, we are proud to serve clients both locally and throughout Washington and Oregon. Whether you have been injured, someone you know was injured, or you lost a loved one due to an accident, Willis & Toews will be there for you. Contact us by calling our office at 509-204-1921 or by filling out our contact form. We will provide you with a free case evaluation and will help you figure out what course of action is best for your situation.
Car Accident
The steps you take immediately following a car accident can determine the future of your entire case. From getting medical bills to contacting your insurance company to giving the police your statement, there’s a lot to do and a lot to keep track of. Let us help you handle the legal and financial claims you will need to make.
Commercial Truck Accidents
Truck accidents often cause catastrophic injuries, lost wages, and heavy debt. Filing claims after a truck accident can feel like worrying about your electric bill after your house has burned down, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Willis & Toews, PLLC, will provide you with an experienced lawyer to help guide you through the process to getting your life back on track.
Bicycle Accident
Injuries in bike accidents can be quite severe due to the unprotected nature of bicycles. When you or a loved one is injured in a bike accident that was caused by another, you can file a claim against the at-fault party. For more information on filing personal injuries claims for bike accidents, contact Willis & Toews, PLLC.