Everyone knows that going over the speed limit can get you a speeding ticket. Another thing which is exceeded is the limits of humans to respond. According to generally accepted data, it takes at least 1.5 to 2 seconds for a person to perceive and react to danger. A speeding motorist – or a motorist… Read More
Posts Categorized In: Blog
Texting Dangerous While …. Doing Anything
We all know that distracted driving is dangerous. Yet thousands of people continue to text while driving every day. And everyone has an excuse, or at least a theory, about why it is safe when they do it. “I keep my phone above the steering wheel”, for instance, was a common theory I heard until texting while driving was… Read More
Fatal Consequence of Texting While Driving
A Seattle teenager texting his girlfriend rear-ended a family vehicle. The ensuing crash killed a 3 year old child. There are no words for the grief this family will always feel. Read more at: Click Here to Read the Seattle Times Story
Hot Coffee . . . the real story behind the McDonald’s coffee verdict
For many years now, the McDonald’s “hot coffee verdict” has been synonymous with out of control juries and the call for tort reform. The impact of this verdict has been so powerful that many attorneys across the country specifically discuss the case with jurors during the jury selection process. But there is a surprising new… Read More
Loan Sharks Prey on the Injured
You’ve seen the commercials on television, offering to advance you money on your personal injury claim. What they don’t tell you is that the interest rate can exceed 100% per year. Sadly, this industry is almost entirely unregulated. Injured people often have lost time from work and have unpaid medical bills. They mistakenly believe that… Read More
Ballot Initiative I-1082 lacks oversight
An important initiative will be on the ballot. I-1082 would allow private insurers to offer workers compensation coverage to employers without significant oversight or regulation.
Tougher Cell Phone Bill is now Law!
An important safety issue was addressed in Washington state when Governor Gregoire signed the Cell Phone Bill (SB 6345) into law March 26th.